Estrella Maillet and Farah, intern at the Prince of Galle Hotel © TD

These last few months have been remarkably busy at Talent Developer. As you have seen in our social networks, we have developed new markets in Tunisia, and we have welcomed in Paris many new students from all over the world who are now doing their internships in Paris. One of our recent students came from Tunisia. Her name is Farah, and she is a student at the Institut les Pyramides de Formation in Tunisia. She started her internship at the Hôtel Prince de Galle. 

How does Farah know about us? 

Since July, Talent Developer and the Institut les Pyramides de Formation have partnered to help Tunisian students get the internship of their dreams in Paris. It was an exceptionally long process, but it was worth it! We helped many students from this country and most of them spoke French, which is a huge advantage for them! Together with Mr. Kaddaachi Abderrazak, the president of the school, we make sure that each student’s process goes smoothly. 

Farah arrival to Paris and our offices 

When Farah arrived in Paris, she passed by our offices and gave her a tour of all the pastry shops around our offices. Talent developer is in one of the best arrondissements in Paris, the 1st. We started with Cedric Grolet since it is the closest to our offices. Farah saw how the iconic fruit dessert was made by the best chef in the world! We then headed to Angelina, the spot where to have the best hot chocolate in Paris. After that, we went to Galerie Lafayette Le Gourmet where we can find all the best pastry shops from the best French pastry chefs. It is particularly important that Farah sees and discovers so she can be inspired by those well-known chefs and who knows, she will become like them!  

Farah, pastry visit © TD
Estrella Maillet and M. Nejma © TD

Special request from Nice! 

We received a special request from the director of Vagatop School, Yousef Bechir, for a student who wanted to go to the south of France. His name is Yahia. He really wanted to go to Nice and do his internship there to stay close to his family. It was very difficult to organize this because we are based in Paris. Thanks to Estrella and her incredible network, she was able to find the perfect internship for Yahia. Yahia has started his internship with Chef Pascal Lac, and we hope everything will go well!     

New arrivals from Tunis! 

In the next upcoming month, new students from Tunis will be coming to Paris to start their internship. The students are from the Nejma school in Gafsa in the south of Tunis, who we are partners with. Not so long-ago Mr. Nejma paid us a visit in our offices in Paris and we discussed about the future projects that we will have together for the Tunisian students. 

New employee with the Talent Developer team 

We have a new employee starting with us. Her name is Dina, and she is from Marocco. She is currently completing her master’s degree in Human Resources at Paris School of Business. Dina will play a big role at Talent Developer; she will ensure that every student who comes to Paris will have all the necessary requirements and tools to begin their internship journey in Paris. 

Estrella Maillet and Dina, new employee © TD
LAC, pâtissier chocolatier, Nice © TD

So many exciting things are happening at Talent Developer. We hope that the year 2023 will be a great year for us. At Talent Developer we try our best to adapt to each student’s situation. If you too would like to be accompanied by Talent Developer and carry out an internship in Paris, do not hesitate to get in touch here! 

Article écrit par Talent Developer